Supplier News
New Order For A Power Plant In India: Evoqua To Provide Cooling Tower Make-Up Water Treatment Equipment
Evoqua Water Technologies in India has secured a contract to provide a water treatment system for Torrent Power Limited’s 382.5 megawatt UNOSUGEN gas-based combined cycle power plant in Surat, district Gujarat, India.
PPL Electric Utilities Chooses Alternative Routes For New Power Line In Northeast Pennsylvania And Pocono Region
PPL Electric Utilities is seeking public comment on possible routes for a new power line as part of a six-year project to improve electric service for homes and businesses in northeast Pennsylvania and the Poconos, the company said Thursday (6/23)
WEF, NBP Examine The Future Of Biosolids Management In New Report
The National Biosolids Partnership (NBP) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF) have released a new report, Charting the Future of Biosolids Management.
Aquatech Awarded Major Desalination Project In The Middle East
Aquatech and the UAE's Federal Electricity and Water Authority (FEWA) have signed a contract for Aquatech to provide a 15 MIGD seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) based desalination facility. The project, located at Ghalilah, will provide drinking water for the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah.
Aquatech International Corporation Receives Frost & Sullivan Awards For Company Of The Year And Technology Leadership
Based on recent research, Aquatech International Corporation (Aquatech) has received two awards from Frost & Sullivan–the 2010 Global Frost & Sullivan Award for Technology Leadership in Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) systems for global water and wastewater management in power plants market, as well as the 2010 North American Company of the Year Award in water and wastewater treatment for the oil and gas industry.
New Interactive Web Demo With Close-Ups Of 'Future-Ready' ST100 Series Flow Meters
A new online demo featuring interactive close-ups of the revolutionary ST100 Series Flow Meters from Fluid Components International (FCI) makes it easy to learn more about the new benchmark in process and plant gas flow measurement, combining superior flow sensing performance with the most feature- and function-rich electronics available today.
Introducing The ST100 Mass Flow Meter: Gas Flow Measurement Is Now 'Future-Ready'
The debut of the breakthrough ST100 Series Thermal Mass Flow Meter from Fluid Components International (FCI), sets a new industry benchmark in process and plant gas flow measurement instrumentation.
Z Researcher Dan Sinars Awarded $2.5M DOE Early Career Grant
Pursuing a fruitful line of inquiry, Sandia National Laboratories researcher Dan Sinars has been awarded a $2.5M, five-year “Early Career Research Program” award for measuring fundamental instabilities in magnetically driven Z-pinch explosions.
Harvest Power Continues Rapid Growth With $6M Series B Extension
Harvest Power, the leader in producing renewable energy and fertilizer products from organic waste, announced today an extension of its $51.7M Series B financing.
Chicago Meeting To Highlight Links Among Energy, Water, & Wastewater Sectors
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) will present Energy and Water 2011: Efficiency, Generation, Management, and Climate Impacts at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place in Chicago, Ill., July 31-August 3, 2011.