
SureTrak 3.0

SureTrak 3.0
SureTrak Project Manager is ideal for resource planning and control on small-to medium-sized projects
Simply the best way to manage all your projects

SureTrak Project Manager is the perfect combination of ease-of-use, power and affordability. It is ideal for resource planning and control on small-to medium-sized projects and for people who have only a few hours each week to update and manage their projects. Project teams will take advantage of its special resource planning abilities. Update. Analyze. Forecast. Communicate with professional quality reports and graphics. SureTrak is what you need to do it all, and do it easily. It's the perfect combination of ease-of-use, affordability and power.

Get started quickly & easily with Project KickStartTM: The Project KickStart Wizard simplifies starting a new project and helps you better plan and conceptualize your project by providing a framework for brainstorming and anticipating problems. Using Project KickStart's eight steps, you'll be guided through creating a project strategy. You'll define project phases, clarify goals, establish goals, anticipate obstacles, and delegate assignments -- in short, everything you need for a successful project start.

View any perspective: SureTrak's activity codes enable you to group, filter and summarize activities based on phase, location, responsibility, resource and other customizable codes. Use these codes to interact with filters and quickly narrow your view to any perspective. Save what you see on screen and save as reports and layouts for easy access.

Customize reports and layouts: SureTrak is loaded with features that enable you to customize your reports and layouts. Zoom in on important activities by varying the time increment for a part of the project. Show the next week's work in days and the rest of the project in months or years. Color and pattern individual or groups of bars to make important activities stand out. Customize resource layouts with labels and totals to easily analyze resource usage.

And more:
See projects at a glance with PERT view: SureTrak's new PERT view makes it even easier to insert activities, rearrange them, and put them in sequence to model the flow of work. Through the Trace Logic window, you can review the sequence of activities, so you can easily see the downstream effect of changes and delays on the rest of the project. And when you're all done with PERT view, you can print a useful pure-logic report of your project.

Enhance communication with Web reports: Web Publishing is an integral part of SureTrak. Save layouts and reports in HTML format. Then use the Web Publishing Wizard to group and sort tabular and graphical reports and layouts into one comprehensive project Web site for the whole team to see.

Keep the team informed with Web publishing: The SureTrak Web Publishing Wizard automates building and maintenance of structured Web pages containing up-to-date SureTrak reports and links to related files. SureTrak's Web publishing capability delivers easy access to assignments, deadlines, and project status, and provides all participants with a better understanding of their relationship to the entire project.

Improve project communications: SureTrak includes the most comprehensive e-mail capabilities of any product in its class. Use e-mail to send project, screen captures, and selected activities to team members so they can update their work with the Primavera Post Office. When you receive updated project information by e-mail you can audit the information for accuracy, approve it, and automatically merge the updates into the project schedule. It makes communication fast, smooth, and efficient, and eliminates retyping status information.

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