Superheater, Reheater and Economizer Scanning
Source: TesTex, Inc.
TesTex scans superheater and reheater bends. Data is collected on the entire bend -- from the straight section around the bend to the other vertical straight section of a pendant tube
TesTex scans superheater and reheater bends. Data is collected on the entire bend -- from the straight section around the bend to the other vertical straight section of a pendant tube.
Real time 3-D display
150 samples per second per channel
Contoured scanner surface
Fully quantitative results
Uniform rust, scale and coatings have no effect on signal
Covers nearly 160 degree span
Ovality does not pose a problem
Scans over 100 bends in one shift
Detects and quantifies oxygen pitting, caustic gouging, erosion, cracking, etc.
Motorized Magnetic Crawlers for smooth, continuous pull rate
8 or 16 channels of continuous coverage around the bend
Various scanner sizes available
Collects data in forward or backward motion
Smooth rolling wheels for clean response
The bend scanner collects data continuously from one side of a pendant tube to other. The scanner is motorized with magnetic wheels for constant speed data acquisition. Data is collected in both forward and backward motions. It provides the same high-resolution, 3-D color display as the TS 2000 straight tube scanner. The bend scanner is a fast, accurate and cost effective method for superheater/reheater scanning.
Now available, our newest scanner is designed to fit between tubes with only a 0.5" (12.7mm) space available. The reheater scanner stands off the tube only 0.480 "(12.2mm).
TesTex, Inc., 508 Old Frankstown Road, Monroeville, PA 15146. Tel: 412-798-8990; Fax: 412-798-8995.
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