
Shaft Condition Monitoring

Source: Magnetic Products and Services, Inc. (MPS)
This shaft condition module (SCModule) mounts near the shaft grounding brush on any rotating machine to provide
This shaft condition module (SCModule) mounts near the shaft grounding brush on any rotating machine to provide an "always ready," easy-to-access interface for simplifying shaft current and voltage readings. A connector on the module, a relatively small unit, helps facilitate easy, non-disruptive, safe measurements. The module eliminates the task of disconnecting grounding brush lines to perform RMS meter or oscilloscope measurements.

The module attaches to either shaft current grounding brushes or to shaft voltage sensing brushes and reports high, normal or low values. While complete in its stand-alone warning function, it also outputs signals for analysis by other products like the manufacturer's SCMeter.

The SCMeter, a portable unit that is designed interface with any machine, anywhere in a user's facility, allows users to conduct rudimentary checks on multiple machines for excessive shaft current or shaft voltage. It displays the peak and average of the current (or voltage) provided by the SCModule. Expanded versions of the SCMeter, with the ability to size shunts and test settings, can also be used in a variety of facilities by MPS representatives and field testing technicians. With the introduction of the SCModule, OEMs can now provide an interface path, easily enabling users to connect shaft condition monitoring devices to their machinery, eliminating difficult and costly retrofits.

Magnetic Products and Services, Inc. (MPS), 2135 Highway #35, Holmdel, NJ 07733-1001. Tel: 732-264-6651; Fax: 732-264-6876.