
R-Side® Solution - Rust & Residue

Source: Hudson Technologies Company
Hudson has developed unique RefrigerantSide® Solutions that eliminate rust as well as the stubborn residue formation and restore the system to optimal performance.
The existence of particulates circulating throughout the refrigerant-side of an operating chiller or refrigeration system can lead to a multitude of problems. The impact may ultimately include reduced performance, chiller degradation and/or complete shutdown and failure. Chief among the identified offenders include the liberation of rust and residue from chiller piping and components that adversely and profoundly impact the operation of the system. Another harmful source of particulates that has a significant impact involves the residual contaminants invariably remaining after the performance of a Hermetic Motor Burnout cleanup using traditional methods.

Rust: The refrigerant-side of chillers and refrigeration systems exposed to moisture are susceptible to the formation of rust on shells and piping. This condition may lead to the formation of significant particulate concentration as the rust flakes off and is carried by the refrigerant throughout the system. Ultimately, this liberated rust will lead to the plugging of system components including orifices, distribution plates, oil filters and the erosion of compressor blades leading to an imbalance of the compressor.

Residue: Although, it is well known by industry professionals that rust particulates can be menacing to chiller tubing and system components, what is not widely recognized is the effect of natural residue buildup on chiller piping and components that suddenly becomes liberated into the circulating refrigerant. Refrigeration systems, particularly shipboard systems, have experienced significant residue particulate problems following conversions from CFC to HFC refrigerants. A buildup of residue on the chiller piping system commonly occurs over time. Upon conversion from CFC to HFC refrigerant, the residue invariably begins to flake off and is carried by the refrigerant throughout the system.

Rust and residue particulates will migrate to tube surface and lodge in other system components resulting in the reduction in efficiency and capacity and may ultimately lead to catastrophic results. Consequences may also include the plugging of system components including orifices, distribution plates and oil filters.

Hudson has developed unique RefrigerantSide® Solutions that eliminate rust as well as the stubborn residue formation and restore the system to optimal performance.

Depending upon the specific existing condition, solutions may include :

  • Identification of the appropriate chemical cleaning agents by Hudson's chemists to dissolve rust or residue from the shell and vessel
  • Use of patented high speed equipment and high velocity TurbulentFlow™ technology to eliminate accumulated rust and deposits
  • System dehydration, if aqueous solutions used
  • Online system decontamination to remove rust and other contaminants suspended throughout the system.
In addition to addressing and rectifying the source of the particulates, Hudson's RefrigerantSide® Solutions effectively remediate the resultant impact on the tubes and other system components. This state-of-the-art technology:
  • Restores piping and system components to original state
  • Restore heat transfer efficiency
  • Regains lost system capacity
  • Eliminates time and expense of re-tubing

Hudson Technologies Company, 326 Main Street, Fremont, NH 03044. Tel: 800-277-3490; Fax: .