
Pumps, Mechanical Seals and Systems Reliability Workshop

Source: Flowserve, Flow Solutions Division
Upon completion of this five day workshop, participants will better understand the inter-related functions of the centrifugal pump, mechanical seals and complete pumping system
Flowserve, Flow Solutions Divisiontion of this five day workshop, participants will better understand the inter-related functions of the centrifugal pump, mechanical seals and complete pumping system. Participants will have learned how to find and efficiently address root causes of poor reliability. This, combined with cost/benefit analysis, will return training, repair, and modification investments and add to plant profitability.

  • High Impact
  • Competency Based
  • Equipment Intensive (Hands On): Static and Power Labs
  • This course is designed for maintenance managers/supervisors and employees responsible for improving plant reliability.

    <%=company%>, 222 W. Los Colinas Blvd., Suite 1500, Irving, TX 75039. Tel: 801-489-2378. Fax: 801-489-2686.