
Property Specific Reports

Source: VISTAinfo, inc.
A detailed search about the company and a specific address produces a comprehensive report providing information
Comprehensive Environmental Facility Report

Subject Property Details - A detailed search about the company and a specific address (over twenty databases identifying environmental "issues") produces a comprehensive report providing information if the company/address has or had:

Environmental Permits; Compliance Records; Violations; Production of Environmental Hazardous Materials; Pollution Discharge to Air and Water; and Toxic Chemical Releases. This report also reveals whether or not this company is listed as a Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) for contribution to an environmental clean-up at the subject property or at another property.

NEPA Checklist Report

Federal Transaction Necessary - The NEPA Report includes a review of those topics as outlined by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. Specifically VISTA reviews government records, maps and databases on each of the following topics: Wetlands, Wilderness Areas, Wildlife Preserves, Floodplains, National Historic Sites and Landmark site, American Indian Sacred Sites, and Endangered Species and their Habitat. Researching this data can take countless hours of your time.

The information contained in the NEPA Checklist Report must be researched for any development that falls under government regulation; utilities and communication towers are prime examples of this type of development. The NEPA Checklist Report is used when assessing property for development, doing Environmental Impact Studies, and anytime a property is being considered for development in a way that it falls under government regulation.

Commercial Property Disclosure

Disclose for Protection - The Commercial Property Disclosure Report is quickly becoming mandatory nationwide and provides protection to those involved in a commercial real estate transaction. This report indicates the location of the subject properties proximity to the following:

FEMA Flood Zone; Dam Inundation Zones; Earthquake Fault Zones and Seismic Hazards; State Responsibility Fire Areas; Bates "Very High" Fire Hazard Severity Zones and Landslide & Liquefaction Hazards. As a bonus this report includes a full FEMA Flood Certification if the subject property is within (or close to) a FEMA Flood Zone.

Company and Industry Research Reports

Provides a concise summary of key environmental performance and liabilities at the site, corporate and industry levels. Call for additional information (800.733.7606 ext. 120).

Company and Industry Environmental Marketing Reports

Provides a concise summary of environmental performance and expenditures at the site, corporate and industry levels. Call for additional information (800.733.7606 ext. 120).

VISTAinfo, inc., 5060 Shoreham Place, San Diego, CA 92122. Tel: 800-733-7606 (ext.120); Fax: 619-450-6132; Email: