
Oil Contaminant Screening Tool

Source: Predict/DLI
Designed for use in a plant, the Navigator is a compact and lightweight oil contaminant screening tool
Predict/DLIr use in a plant, the Navigator is a compact and lightweight oil contaminant screening tool. This robust instrument features a reusable sensor grid, a user interface that alerts to the presence of water and other conductive contaminants and user defined alarm thresholds that are adjustable as a percent deviation from a reference. Interfaces with the system's software are available for database management, trending, report writing and communication with the company's used oil & wear particle analysis laboratory.

The product employs I2 Sensor technology to measure the changes in the oil's electrical properties and instantly detect fluid condition. This handheld, portable screening instrument is Predict/DLIr easy operation and can be used to trend oil quality as a percent change from a reference oil sample. These reference sample measurements are internally stored and used repeatedly when comparing subsequent machine samples. The unit can be used to expand a PdM oil monitoring program to include equipment not currently covered, trend oil's condition over time, or trend the condition of reused filtered oil. It can also start a new program or enable monitoring of less critical equipment or expand the potential to 100% reliability without heavy capital investment.

<%=company%>, 9555 Rockside Rd., Cleveland, OH 44125; phone: 216-642-3223; Fax: 216-642-1484