Full Length Heat Exchanger Tube Inspections
Source: TesTex, Inc.
Know about your Tubular Heat Exchanger problems long before they cost you
Know about your Tubular Heat Exchanger problems long before they cost you.Avoid tube leaks and costly unscheduled outages
Test during scheduled and emergency outages
Uses TesTex's advanced Eagle 2000 Compact
Fast - Accurate - Cost Effective
No magnets required
No couplant needed
Minimal tube cleaning required
Inspects up to 400 tubes/shift/team
Scale and deposits have no affect on the signal
Entire tube length tested
U-bends tested
Results in mils remaining or percent wall loss
Color-coded reporting
Feedwater Heaters
Air Coolers/Fin Fans
Air Heaters/Pre-Heaters
Reboilers, etc.
Locates and quantifies areas of wall thinning, pitting, cracking, erosion/corrosion, steam and baffle cutting, etc.
Units Inspected
TesTex, Inc., 508 Old Frankstown Road, Monroeville, PA 15146. Tel: 412-798-8990; Fax: 412-798-8995.
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