FieldNotes for Mobile Mapping
FieldNotes for Mobile Mapping provides timely accurate data:
A common complaint among field personnel is that their paper map books are always out of date. Facility maps can be updated on a regular basis by simply uploading the latest changes to your maps. Field personnel can quickly find the area they need to work in on the overview map of the entire service area, and then zoom to the exact spot they need to be in. Move from a high level map of your entire area to smaller more detailed maps of your facilities by simply selecting the area you want on the overview map you want to zoom in on.
FieldNotes for Mobile Mapping makes your maps weather resistant:
Rain and wind can play havoc with paper maps. FieldNotes for Mobile Mapping allows your field personnel to do their jobs and not fight the weather or their maps.
FieldNotes for Mobile Mapping is customizable to meet your exact needs:
Since no two customers ever have exactly the same needs, the user interfaces, layer displays, map scales, and other functions of FieldNotes for Mobile Mapping can be easily customized to meet your company's unique requirements. You can view the map details at each zoom level and the details available at each level can be controlled by an administrator with your company.
PenMetrics, Inc., 506 SW 6th Ave., Suite 501, Portland, OR 97204. Tel: 503-827-3845; Fax: 503-827-8928.