
Field Notes for Cable

Source: PenMetrics, Inc.
FieldNotes for Cable replaces paper maps in the field with electronic maps
FieldNotes for Cable replaces paper maps in the field with electronic maps. Drafting is done during the walkout using FieldNotes for Cable's extensive set of drafting tools designed specifically for field use. Using these tools is simple and obvious. Completed maps can be easily transferred to office computer systems in a variety of file formats including AutoCAD, MicroStation, Intergraph, SmallWorld, ESRI and more.

FieldNotes for Cable Saves Time and Money:
With FieldNotes for Cable, when the field work is complete most of the drafting is done! Reducing drafting time means saving you money. While we expect a small amount of "clean-up" drafting when maps come back into the office, customers report that they're plotting directly from the field maps!
We're getting reports from mappers that they can actually map the outside plant faster with FieldNotes for Cable than with paper maps. Plus it's easier to use in bad weather than paper maps and this increases your productivity.

FieldNotes for Cable Increases Accuracy and Provides More Data:
FieldNotes for Cable has built in error checks to verify that data is accurate and complete when entered plus it reminds you when something is left out. This dramatically cuts down on re-walks.
FieldNotes for Cable allows you to collect as much data as you want. Our easy-to-use data collection forms make it simple for the mapper to click check boxes, or select from pick lists to quickly capture information.

Mapping MDUs is a snap with our MDU Module for FieldNotes for Cable:
Mapping MDUs couldn't be easier. Our optional MDU Module for FieldNotes for Cable allows you to lay an MDU footprint on your map and open up an attached MDU sheet for capturing the details of building layout, cable routing and equipment placement. Find out more in MDU Module Features

PenMetrics, Inc., 506 SW 6th Ave., Suite 501, Portland, OR 97204. Tel: 503-827-3845; Fax: 503-827-8928.