Evaporative Type (CE)
Source: HydroThrift Corporation
CE System uses the principle of evaporation to provide coolant temperatures comparable to an open cooling tower without the fouling, scaling, and chemical treatment problems
CE System uses the principle of evaporation to provide coolant temperatures comparable to an open cooling tower without the fouling, scaling, and chemical treatment problems. This system is similar to the CD System except the air-cooled heat exchanger includes a water sump, pump, and spray system that are automatically controlled. The glycol/water coolant is generally cooled to about 10 ºF above the ambient wet bulb temperature.
HydroThrift Corporation, 1301 Sanders Avenue Southwest, P.O. Box 1037, Massillon, OH 44647. Tel: 330-837-5141; Fax: 330-837-0558.
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