
Battery Management System

Source: AMETEK Solidstate Controls
The BMS 2000 Series Battery Management System is the economical solution to your battery management needs
The BMS 2000 Series Battery Management System is the economical solution to your battery management needs. The BMS 2000 is a cost effective stand alone monitoring system designed for Power Generation and Process Applications. The BMS 2000 goes beyond what other battery monitoring systems can do by providing early warning of possible battery problems. The BMS 2000 actually checks the condition of each cell by monitoring charge voltage, current, battery discharge and performing a proactive resistance test. Measuring the internal resistance of a battery is considered to be the most reliable method for predicting a battery's condition. The BMS 2000 Battery Manager Software provides a powerful tool for monitoring, trending, and analysis of the battery system. The System can be interfaced with associated equipment to provide a more complete picture of the critical power system.

AMETEK Solidstate Controls, 875 Dearborn Dr, Po Box 1249, Columbus, OH 43085. Tel: 614-8467500; Fax: 614-885-3990.