Automatic Pump Recirculation Valve
Automatic Pump Recirculation Valves protect centrifugal pumps from damage that may occur during low-flow operations. Minimum flow protection is accomplished with an automatic, modulating bypass that assures smooth pump operation between the minimum and maximum flow point on the pump curve.
No external power source is required. These valves are self-contained and simplify the system design and installation. Sizes range from 1 inch to 24 inches, including ANSI Class 150 through 2500 lb. Valve internals are stainless steel with housing in carbon steel, stainless steel, or special machinable alloys.
Back Pressure Regulators prevent flashing in return lines.
Experienced service engineers are available on call for worldwide start-up assistance, training, and repair.
AGI maintains a stock of semi-finished parts for expedited delivery.
All repairs are supervised by specialists with direct access to factory engineering personnel.
Auto Recirculation Valve Connection : Flange or Buttweld Ends BPR Connection : Wafer Type

AGI Specialty Valves, P.O. Box 218630, Houston, TX 77218-8630. Tel: 281-578-0366; Fax: 281-578-0368.