
Asset Content Management Services

Source: Synterprise Global Consulting
Synterprise's Asset Technical Content Management (ATCM) services allow complete equipment data visualization and economically addresses the widespread lack of actionable equipment information and documentation that is a major cause of low wrench times and full asset utilization
Synterprise's Asset Technical Content Management (ATCM) services allow complete equipment data visualization and economically addresses the widespread lack of actionable equipment information and documentation that is a major cause of low wrench times and full asset utilization. Delivering technical content conversion at the lowest cost of any other commercially available solution, ATCM establishes a comprehensive and reliable data foundation for asset management in operations and maintenance programs. ATCM makes complete equipment technical information available to end-users; from management to shop floor. It requires minimal training, promotes frequent usage, and increases productivity.

Why Electronic Asset Content Management is critically needed

  • Asset Information gaps exist in both old and new facilities, causing decreased asset availability

  • Time-consuming, and expensive manual information sourcing is the biggest barrier to plant productivity most electronic data in ERP and EAM is largely incomplete

  • Populating EAM software with visual and engineering content is cost prohibitive

  • Up to 90% of existing asset information is paper based, outdated and poorly organized

  • Studies show that the benchmark average of 22 percent of all asset/equipment are not tracked or accounted for in the plant system (CMMS Effectiveness Survey, Maintenance Technology, 2001)

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