
Root Cause Failure Investigations

Source: Structural Integrity Associates, Inc.
This company conducts root cause failure investigations on a wide variety of equipment and structures
Structural Integrity Associates, conducts root cause failure investigations on a wide variety of equipment and structures. These investigations benefit from this company's experience in the relevant disciplines of stress analysis, fracture mechanics, metallurgy and welding, load monitoring and testing, fatigue and corrosion, and nondestructive examination. They are also experienced in plant equipment and operating environments.

A typical investigation includes an on-site assessment, metallurgical examinations, a root cause analysis report, and mitigation development. A final report will cover root-cause of the failure, assessment of other potential flaws, and recommended inspection/mitigation program. These investigations serve the power, petroleum, chemical, pulp and paper, and aircraft industries.

<%=company%>, 3315 Almaden Expressway, Suite 24, San Jose, CA 95118-1557. Tel: 408-978-8200. Fax: 408-978-8964.