
Electro Spark Deposition

Source: Turbine Metal Technology
Electro Spark Deposition involves the transfer of minute molten droplets of the desired coating material from a contacting electrode to the surface of the part
Electro Spark Deposition involves the transfer of minute molten droplets of the desired coating material from a contacting electrode to the surface of the part. At the completion of the spark-induced transfer, the droplet welds to the part. By careful control, usually by computer, these microwelds will overlap, yielding a complete new surface. Heat input to the part is extremely low, and the maximum temperature rise is just a few degrees above ambient. Bond strengths equal those of the base components, rather than being limited to 10 or 12 thousand psi. Thus, the ESD coatings will withstand bend tests, thermal shock, and mechanical shock that no other coating system can match. This process is now in use in critical nuclear reactor and ground turbine components. ESD is the answer to some of the most difficult wear and corrosion problems facing us today.

Turbine Metal Technology, 7327 Elmo Street, Tujunga, CA 91042. Tel: 818-352-8721; Fax: 818-352-8726.